Friday, August 5, 2011

The Best Love Story EVER!

I was recently thinking about our society's craving for romance and adventure.  We see the pursuit of those things everywhere.  There are dating networks to meet the person of your dreams, there are reality TV shows that promote finding a soul-mate through an involved selection process, there are romance novels as well as adventure novels that usually add a touch of romance.  When it comes down to it I think that the real questions we all are seeking answers for are: Can I find someone who loves me passionately? and Can I find the adventure that I was created to live?
     I was talking to a friend about this very subject the other day and she remarked that "we will never see the love story of Abba Father on [television]".  She's right, we won't!  But that got me thinking about how passionate God is toward me.  So often I think of Him in terms of being a Father, and He is that!  But this day, I started thinking about Him as a lover.  If the Song of Solomon truly is an allegory about the passion that Jesus has for His church, I am loved passionately.  I have been pursued to the point of death on a cross!  He is crazy about me!  Little, old, unremarkable ME!  He is preparing a place for His bride and He can't wait until we are united forever.  Not only that, but He has given me an adventure to live right here and now!  My Prince Charming has swept me off of my feet and whisked me into a life that I could never have imagined on my own and would never have wanted to miss.  He has good plans for me.  Plans to use me to help others and glorify Himself.  Plans that will steer me away from self and pride and flesh and cause me to lean into Him.  He even set me on the front lines of a battle between good and evil (what action/adventure story do you know of that doesn't include a battle between good and evil?) and that battle takes strength and armor and a sword...(Whew!  It can get rough out there!)  Though I get tired and discouraged at times, He wants me to know the fullness of joy that comes from being on His side!  To embrace the adventure that he has planned for me.  As I think of these things I am truly amazed at the God I serve.  I am so undeserving of such a passionate lover, but I am so grateful that He is!